Cleaning our oceans one swell at a time
La Mer Maids is a volunteer-run non-profit making the world a better place by cleaning where we live and inspiring others through example and education.
We currently operate out of six different ports in Southern California.

In 2022,
we have collected:
Pieces of trash
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Cleaning our oceans takes us all. Clean where you live and let us know how you’re helping.
We look forward to your help in spreading our mission around the world.
Not on the water, but just walking the dog. Found this shredded balloon. Clearly, has been through some stuff, quite possibly animals ate some of it. If you must buy balloons, dispose of them properly. Better yet, ditch them altogether. ... See MoreSee Less
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The weather is improving and we're able to get out on the water. Picked up a balloon so old, all the color was gone and found what might have been a research balloon before it became shredded garbage. Also picked up some hard plastic. Bottlenose and common dolphins greeted us, as well as a brief sighting of a whale. ... See MoreSee Less
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Impromptu beach cleanup today!
This is 3/4 of what we found. We weren’t prepared but we used trash to collect some of it and asked a couple of people with dogs for poop bags as well.
We even encountered someone else who said they had just thrown away quite a bit, too.
Clean where you live! 💙 ... See MoreSee Less
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A La Mer Maids boat on my birthday! Best way to celebrate! Gorgeous weather Friday afternoon, and we headed out of San Pedro up to Pt. Vicente for reported gray whales. On the way we stopped by a buoy for sea lion viewing, a pretty crowded buoy. In the crowd was one with fishing line cutting into it's throat. So sad - we sent photo and info to marine mammal rescue group, and they will try to catch it. Hard to catch sea lions, though.
We caught up with a Harbor Breezes boat watching fin whales, and hung around for a bit then were sidetracked by very active bottlenose dolphin. So much fun! The fin whales were still in the distance but our buddies at the gray whale census reported grays in sight, so both the HB boat and we went to see them. We traveled southbound with a trio of southbound grays for over an hour.
What a terrific birthday! Thanks to Capt. Pattie, Mark, Jessie, Alisa, Cynthia and Zeus! ... See MoreSee Less
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Happy Birthday Dee!
Happy Birthday Dee- looks like you had a wonderful day!!
Thank you!
It was a pleasure to watch condor 692 ply the skies above Pinnacles for over an hour yesterday.
He repeatedly rode the wind until he was just a dot high in the sky before heading off almost out of sight, then turn and head back, circling down until he was flying in and around the spires.
Here he's passing close by with his air sacs fully deployed as there was a rival male nearby.
#californiacondor #ieatdeadthings #airsacsarego #thanksfortheflyby #birdsofinstagram ... See MoreSee Less
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La MerMaids were out for a trash pick up today in the Santa Monica Bay, and it turned out to be a day full of wildlife from start to finish. We had bottlenose dolphin interacting with both fin and blue whales, large numbers of sea lions feeding and relaxing, and a little crab that stowed away on a piece of trash that we had to chase down and return to the ocean. All together a day to remember. Thank you to Gray Whale Census @PVIC for guiding us to the whales! thank you MerMaids Dee Whitehurst, Jo Brown, and Pattie Indictor ... See MoreSee Less
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Great shots of your amazing day. And thanks for cleaning up.
Great shots!
Happy Friday! We found a really interesting and helpful website! ... See MoreSee Less
Travelers Against Plastic
Sustainability Starts with you Learn MoreComment on Facebook ... See MoreSee Less
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“New research explains how plastic contributes to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions & shows that more extreme weather and floods associated with climate change, will exacerbate the spread of plastic in...Comment on Facebook
We went out of Marina del Rey on Tuesday and removed 29 balloons from the Santa Monica Bay. It was hot, so a couple mermaids had to jump in. ... See MoreSee Less
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